Tuesday 22 February 2011

The End of the Kearney Regatta?

Well, it looks like the Proudfoot Four and their sycophant Art Murdy have finally been able to do what Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Councillor Louise Wadsworth have been trying to do for years:

"BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kearney approves the Event 2011 Regatta and further that the format be preserved as it had been in 2010 and previous years.   

Recorded vote requested by Councillor Wills

Ken Ball – Yea
Barry Dingwall – Nay
Arthur Murdy – Nay
Steve Sainsbury – Absent
Louise Wadsworth – Nay
Yvonne Wills – Yea
Paul Tomlinson – Nay


Are you surprised?

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