Thursday 4 November 2010

Secret Meetings and Job Cuts?

Now that the Proudfoot Four have been elected, they've been secretly meeting to plan their strategies for when they take control of the town on December 1st. According to one inside source, a main topic of these meetings is how they will make good on their campaign promise to lower taxes. One way they are planning to do this is by reducing town staff levels.
Screw you and your years of loyal service! YOU'RE FIRED!
Isn't it nice that Paul Tomlinson has no problem with spending $50,000 (over and above his budget) for an outside financial consultant to attend a few meetings, but has no qualms about firing a full-time employee (who probably only makes about $30,000 a year) just to please his Proudfoot masters?

Mind you, we're not too surprised... This will give Tomlinson the "legitimate" excuse he needs to get even with the employees that filed harassment complaints against him when he was a councillor.

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