Monday, 29 April 2013

Tomlinson, Dingwall, & Wadsworth Running Scared?

At the council meeting of April 5th, 2013, a motion to appoint an Integrity Commissioner, to investigate the antics of Mayor Paul Tomlinson and certain members of council, was tabled, and after much protest, the motion passed with a 4 to 3 recorded vote. Tomlinson, Wadsworth & Dingwall voted against and lost

At the council meeting of April 26th, Wadsworth desperately tabled a motion to Reconsider the Motion on appointing an Integrity Commissioner. After much protest and whining, the Motion to Reconsider was defeated by a vote of 4 to 3. Tomlinson, Wadsworth, and Dingwall lost again

They're running scared because they know there is a huge file of wrongdoings that the Integrity Commissioner will have access to, including possible conflicts of interest, mistreatment of Kearney’s staff and citizens, a questionable septic inspection program, and a run-away CBO. 

The axe is falling and the noose is closing. 

And poor old Wadsworth is trying to ram a 2013 budget down everyone’s throats that she hopes will include funding a friend's private dock with taxpayers’ money. Money she hopes will come from the Public Works budget which has already seen a 1/3 of its 2013 gravel allotment gobbled up by the washout on Rain Lake Road. 

Are you surprised?

Saturday, 27 April 2013

A Reader Asks:

Are there enough funds in the surplus accounts to cover the costs of properly repairing washed out roads and culverts or have the funds been depleted to cover tax deferrals?

Our source informs us that about 1/3 of the 2013 supply of crushed gravel had to be used to repair the washout. It's projected that additional gravel will need to be ordered and that's not budgeted. So, YES, more Reserves will be depleted, or Kearney’s road reconstruction program will have to be delayed yet again. The Reserves haven't been completely depleted but every year Louise Wadsworth's budget committee has been carving out huge amounts to fund tax cuts at a rate that will leave the town bankrupt by the end of the term. The Town is already having to borrow money to make ends meet.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A reader asks:

Do you know how long the CBO's contract is for?

We don't know if CBO Henry Hess is under contract or was hired as a full-time employee. If any of our readers know, email us.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Should Council be reduced from 7 to 5 Members?

We asked the readers this question and here are the results:

Yes - 10%
No - 88%
Not sure - 1%

It's pretty clear that a vast majority of our readers do not want to see council reduced from 7 to 5 members.

But what would it be like to have only 5 members of council? Well, that's easy! Just look at the previous council and compare it to the current council. During the previous term we saw huge groups of volunteers improving the town, under the guidance and encouragement of members of council. We saw several grant and funding initiatives undertaken by members of council. We saw members of council organizing and supporting community events.

This term, we've only had 5 active members of council - Paul Tomlinson and Barry Dingwall have done nothing so far except find "can't-do" excuses - and some are FAR more active that others. Actually, Dingwall didn't even bother to show up for 43% of the council meetings in 2012! Good thing he voted himself a regular salary so he still gets to collect full pay, eh? Remember when we mentioned how nice it would be to get paid more for doing less...? How long would you keep your job if you didn't show up for work 43% of the time?

But if you really have your heart set on a council of 5, then at least make sure the ward system is back in place in Kearney. Otherwise, you might as well start telling people that you live in the Town of GLLRG.

By the way, Barry, how's the Ralph Bice Centre coming along? You know, the one you promised in your campaign speeches.

“I just don’t see how the community can expect people on council to go out and do these programs in addition to the work they’ve already taken on. For me, I’m out. I will never volunteer for regatta, I’m sorry to say.” - Councilor Barry Dingwall, November 2011

More Reader Mail

In the Almaguin News edition of April 11, 2013, there is no shortage of articles on Kearney. Some would like to shoot the messenger (blog), but Tomlinson and his 2 remaining supporters (Dingwall, Wadsworth) continue to create very reportable news. Unfortunately, the news that Tomlinson and Dingwall, and Tomlinson’s sycophant Wadsworth, create reflects a nastiness and negativity that is hard to ignore. 

The “Kearney CAO (is) gone from Kearney”. Surprise, surprise. Tomlinson harassed and bullied Ms. Aubichon beyond belief and bragged about it openly. 

“Self- policing not an option for council.” Council voted 4-3 to appoint an Integrity Commissioner to enforce the Town’s Code of Conduct. Tomlinson, Dingwall, and Wadsworth voted against it. Tomlinson says “We haven’t even had the opportunity to see if the self-policing component will work before trying to spend money on something that might be totally unnecessary” says Tomlinson. Really now. Tomlinson brags openly about firing the previous, previous CAO. Tomlinson brags openly of harassing and bullying the previous CAO. Tomlinson openly insults and belittles Deputy Mayor at every turn, including the last council meeting when he said she was too incompetent to be Deputy Mayor. We have members of the community verbally and physically assaulted, we have law suits against the Town, and the list goes on. Tomlinson has lost the support of his council, he has been censured and asked to resign, and his tongue has enjoyed national exposure. Other than that, we probably don’t need an Integrity Commissioner. Yeah, right.

Leadership the real issue. The editorial with this heading is bang-on. Good Leadership by the Head of Council would resolve Kearney’s issues and the need for a tighter Code of Conduct and an Integrity Commissioner. Unfortunately, Tomlinson appears to be unable to provide any semblance of leadership and spends all his energies on tearing down anything positive and trying to hurt anyone who attempts to make a positive contribution. On the positive side, the majority of council is now demonstrating good leadership and is effectively shutting Tomlinson down.

Kearney regatta moving forward, council has approved the KPABA (Kearney Perry & Area Business Association) to take over the management of the 2013 Kearney Regatta. Tomlinson will have no say and the Regatta dance and other festivities will be resurrected. 

Mayor opposes rotating deputy. At the beginning of his term of council, Tomlinson stated the Deputy Mayor position would be rotated on an annual basis. At Friday’s council meeting Tomlinson tried to change his position and reappoint his Mini-Me Wadsworth back into the Deputy Mayor role. It didn't work out for Tomlinson and Wadsworth and was just another step in the slippery slope of oblivion for Tomlinson and Wadsworth. 

We believe the tide is turning for Kearney and the regime (Proudfoot Gang) of Tomlinson, Dingwall, and Wadsworth. Favours to friends, squandering town resources, and bully and harassing will be more difficult going forward. Now we just need to get rid of the useless CBO and his useless septic inspection program.


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Reader Mail

Hi, Concerned Citizens of Kearney.
Great job!
I was reading Marty McFly's email exchange with Mayor Tomlinson and noted his comment: "Whom ever is doing this so called blog is not helping the town either."
But Marty also writes: "I have a great number of friends whom are well off and very interested in making investments but sadly are shying away from Kearney." and "I have spoken many long term friends who are afraid to do any work to their properties due to the extreme red tape by the current CBO."
Does Marty not want his investor friends to know about the hardships created by Tomlinson and his followers? Would Marty prefer that your blog not report what council has been doing and let other businesses walk into Tomlinson's mine field?
Having all the crap out in the open might be hurting Kearney in the short term, but in the long term future mayors and councillors will know that they can't get away with crap in Kearney. With any luck (and thanks to your blog) future mayors and councillors won't include Tomlinson and his ilk.
Don't shoot the messenger. And if I might use your original quote, "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing, Marty."
Warmest regards,
Anonymous (Are you surprised?)


Kearney is getting an Integrity Commissioner

Today's Almaguin News reports that Kearney is getting an Integrity Commissioner. Unfortunately there's no online article available to link to, but pretty much everyone knows the story why. 

Mayor Tomlinson asked for a recorded vote.
Ball - YAY

Murdy - YAY
Wills - YAY
Sainsbury - YAY
Wadsworth - NAY
Dingwall - NAY
Tomlinson - NAY

Gee, Barry and Paul, why don't you guys want anyone watching your behaviour???

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A Reader Exchanges Emails With Mayor Tomlinson

Here's an email another reader, who goes by the handle Marty McFly, shared with us. Marty is in blue and Tomlinson is in red. As usual, the email exchange starts at the bottom.

Marty McFly Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 4:42 PM
To: ""

As I have said there is more to this than meets the eye which I am not at liberty to discuss.

However, I did note from the Almaguin News article that their new location seems better suited than their Kearney location as follows:

• We will hopefully expand their membership and with people coming through for the information centre I think it will bring us more business.”

• “We think this location will be a great spot. There weren’t a lot of spots where people could go in Kearney as far as bike trails,” said Carson.

• The business itself will be open seven days a week from April 1 to Oct. 1, during the peak season, and five days a week during the winter months. “That’s new for us too,” she said. “Right now in Kearney we close for the winter. We meet people by appointment for camping rentals but physically we close the store.”She says this location gives them the opportunity to be open year round.

We wish Trailside every success in their new venture at their new location!



Paul H Tomlinson
The Corporation of the Town of Kearney
P.O. Box 38
8 Main Street
Kearney, ON
P0A 1M0


From: Marty McFly []
Sent: March-15-13 10:59 AM
To: Paul H Tomlinson
Subject: RE:

But what about the many months they had fought to get that place fixed up across the street from town office?
What about the constant red tape the CBO keeps giving those who wish to do improvements. As soon as they meet one list he brings a new one?
I have a great number of friends whom are well off and very interested in making investments but sadly are shying away from Kearney. They are very well versed in research and so far they won't come despite what I try to tell them.
Whom ever is doing this so called blog is not helping the town either.

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:08:23 -0400
Subject: Re:
To: marty.mcflyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Sir: there is much more than meets the eye but let me assure you we are very disappointed to see Trailside relocate. The Town of Kearney welcomes each and every entrepreneur to our Town and will do its utmost to accommodate them.
Paul H Tomlinson
The Corporation of the Town of Kearney

Marty McFly Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:57 PMTo: ""
Below sent to Kearney council.
Dear Council,
Please see the Almaguin news report as we lose another Kearney based business, quoted below, in addition to my conversations with the owners of Trailside.
Trailside Adventure Company owner, Robin Carson told the Almaguin News, "We have tried to grow in Kearney but we haven’t been very successful at that. We have just had too many roadblocks so when this opportunity came we jumped at it." Referring to their decision to close shop in Kearney and move to Emsdale where they were "welcomed with open arms" instead of a bureaucratic nightmare.
Does Kearney not want businesses to stay local? Does Kearney not want the younger generation to stay? If there is nothing for the younger generation they will not stay and therefore less future people to help support the older generation. If there is nothing for the cottagers such as activities or too much red tape will they want to stay, this will force properties down.
I have spoken many long term friends who are afraid to do any work to their properties due to the extreme red tape by the current CBO. There may be some that are doing work but there so many many more not. Local contractors are not getting as much work as before.
We should be encouraging people to do things to improve their places for many reasons,
1. Increased property values = more taxes
2. Houses don't look run down
3. Local contractors get work locally employing locals

Tomlinson Claims Another Victim

Since Paul Tomlinson became mayor of Kearney we've not only watched business and industry leave town, but also town staff. As we've previously reported, several left because of Mayor Tomlinson's behaviour or had their jobs cut by him:

  • Liz Stermsek, Office Administrator: Resigned in disgust.
  • David Hunks, Treasurer: Resigned in disgust. Replaced with high paid, part-time financial consultant.
  • Dean Hall, Operations Manager: Gone and not replaced.
  • Kim Harrison, Fire Prevention Officer and 1st Response Captain: Gone because of budget cuts, but partially replaced.
  • Frank Colley, General Maintenance, Custodian, Rink Attendant resigned in disgust after Lions Park heated washrooms were locked and replaced with Porta-potties. 
  • Volunteers: Gone. Mayor Tomlinson has managed to do away with most volunteer committees and the deterioration of services and facilities is obvious. 

Now we can add Yvonne Aubichon, Kearney's Town Clerk, to Tomlinson's list of victims. Tomlinson harassed her to the point where Council had to intervene and Tomlinson issued a written apology to his victim. Council also censured the mayor and asked for his resignation. Almost immediately after, Tomlinson's lack of sincerity quickly became apparent when, at The Iron Skillet, he launched into a long and loud diatribe to his lawyer Rob Pritchard about what a shitty employee Ms. Aubichon was and how the "harassment" was nothing more than "keeping her in line". Several people in the restaurant were friends of Ms. Aubichon and were disgusted with Tomlinson's obvious grandstanding. Mayor Tomlinson's harassment and slander finally drove Ms. Aubichon out of Kearney on a leave of absence and she has now officially resigned. This is also what's known as "constructive dismissal". All this hot on the heals of Tomlinson telling the Almaguin News how, as a mere town councillor, he personally fired the previous Town Clerk, Twyla Nicholson.

Are you surprised?

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Another reader responds

***Concerned Citizens – I wish to remain Anonymous please***

In response to “A member of Proudfoot Extols Mayor Tomlinson’s virtues”

Sounds like the writer, has his snoot in a bottle – maybe he should go back and have another Scotch with his buddy Paul.

Inbred F*cks, well takes one to know one!  As a matter of fact, this Proudfooter hasn't raised his/her head from the glass long enough to realize Wadsworth is not the Deputy Mayor any more.

And Bravo!  So you think this Town would be in ruins if it weren't for the Mayor, well buddy you know nothing, this Town is in ruins because of the Mayor! He just likes to hide behind Closed Doors to create his havoc ……….. and spend your Tax payer dollars foolishly - His little secret, he doesn't want you “PROUDFOOTER’S” to know the real Paul Tomlinson.

Go have another drink.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

A member of Proudfoot extols Mayor Tomlinson's virtues

Dear concerned jerks!
I dont know what the f*ck is the matter with you people although i use the term loosely Paul Tomlinson is the best mayor Kearney has ever seen and greatly deserves the medal!! Paul Tomlinson has done great things for this town!!
This town would have crumpled into ruin with all the inbred hicks here if it were not for the the mayor, deputy mayor Wadsworth, Barry Dingwall and Steve Sainsbury.
Your blog is a peace of shit! You loosers!!!!!!
Proud to be from Proudfoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your email. We were actually hoping for a more succinct description of Mayor Tomlinson's accomplishments.