Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Hidden Damage by the Proudfoot Bunch

The trio of Tomlinson, Dingwall, and Wadsworth are so busy trying to kill everything in Kearney that is good and siccing CBO/Septic Inspector Hess on unsuspecting property owners to drum up bogus building permit requirements, minor variances, and rezoning application fees (Proudfoot Friends excluded), they are actually damaging the town’s property assessment base thereby reducing the potential to increase property tax revenue without raising property taxes.

That was a bit of a mouthful but in a nutshell it’s like crippling the golden goose. In other words, for existing tax payers to see any realistic reduction in their taxes (made possible by good town management, not the Proudfoot method), the town needs to encourage new sources of taxes such as new homes and cottages, new businesses, and expanding current businesses and industry. But, through the destructive efforts of the Tomlinson Trio and CBO Hess, we are witnessing the exact opposite.

We've already seen existing businesses relocating to other municipalities. Example: Trailside Adventures. Result: Lost tax revenue for Kearney.

We've seen properties that can’t get a Final Inspection because of Hess’s constant hurdles and red-tape, which means MPAC can’t increase the assessment to reflect the real value of newly developed or enhanced properties. Result: Lost tax revenue for Kearney.

Because the Proudfoot Bunch has done nothing to encourage economic growth in Kearney we've seen local industries failing. Example: Strato Steel. Result: Lost tax revenue for Kearney.

New businesses don't want to try to unsnarl Kearney's red-tape when Perry’s economic development efforts are running at full steam. Result: Lost tax revenue for Kearney.

But it’s not all bad news. If CBO Hess claims that you don’t have a Final Inspection on your property, you might want to appeal your property assessment because the property is still under development, according to CBO Hess.

We won’t comment on the shortsightedness of the Tomlinson/Hess stupidity so why not turn a bad situation into an opportunity. It might seem contradictory to criticize the Bunch for hamstringing the tax revenues, then suggest how you can game the Bunch's screw-ups to pay less taxes, but when the finances hit the fan and municipal taxes have to be increased to bail out a bankrupt Kearney, the little guy is going to need every cent he can get!

Are you surprised?

Reader Thanks Rink Attendant Volunteer

I just wanted to write in expressing my gratitude to the individual who maintains the skating rink at the Lions park.

I was under the impression that this was no longer maintained and that no ice would be available this winter.
However, after reading your latest post on the mayor's borderline stalkerish behavior on the individual who has volunteered to maintain the ice, I immediately went out and spent some time shooting a few pucks around!
The ice was excellent! I've lived in several cities/towns and the ice is usually put in and then never maintained. The ice in Kearney was fantastic! It must of recently been flooded as the surface was smooth as glass!
So that being said I would like to very much thank the individual who has volunteered their time to maintain this, and hope that many others in the town catch the volunteer bug and "take back" the town! I know I'll be looking for ways to pitch in!
PS: If the individual maintaining the ice requires any assistance, please do not hesitate to share my email. However, I would like to remain anonymous for the time being should you wish to share this with anyone else.

Thanks for your email and your community spirit! If Mayor Tomlinson lets us have a rink attendant we'll pass along your email address (to the volunteer, not to Tomlinson).

Reader loves the blog, but...

Dear Concerned Citizens,
I felt I should write to you to tell you how much my family and I appreciate the valuable service you are providing to the community of Kearney. Without the Blog, it is certain that many of the issues before us would have gone unreported and without public awareness it is certain our situation in the Town of Kearney would be far dire.
We, as a family, enjoy the humour and satire that makes the bad news a little more palatable.  But, because we share the Blog with all members of the family, including the young, we are a little concerned with some of the vulgarity that is used. We also think the vulgarity takes away from dignity and value of the service the Blog provides for us.
So we ask, please continue to investigate, analyze, and probe, the deeds of our Mayor, our Council, and the general happenings in the Town of Kearney. But out of respect for your readers, your many followers, and the value of the service you provide, we feel you can still interject humour and satire while preserving a higher level of decorum.  
Sincerely from some of your most avid readers.
Please do not publish my name

While we restrict our vulgarity to the level currently available on prime-time television, we'll admit that our blog can be PG-13 at times. Having said that, we also believe in self-censorship and don't recommend our blog to anyone under 13. We would actually be surprised if the 12-and-under crowd took any interest. We try not to be overly gratuitous and certainly avoid George Carlin's famous Seven Words You Can't Say On Television, although shit has been used on a number of network shows such as Chicago Hope, ER, and NYPD Blue. And piss is no longer considered vulgar unless referring to a bodily fluid (e.g. Don't piss me off).

Sometimes what needs to be said just needs to be said. Mayor Tomlinson has clearly demonstrated that he's an asshole. There's no milder word for it. We could call him a jerk or a meanie but that would just come off as silly. We could write it as A-hole or sh*t, but anyone old enough to want to read the blog will automatically think asshole or shit, so we'll take ownership of it and just say it.

We apologize to our older readers who might be offended by our moral decline, but we're sure their parents and grandparents were just as scandalized when a married woman was seen speaking to another man while unescorted. Or a young lady was flashing a little too much ankle. Or if a coloured person didn't sit at the back of the bus. Times change and what was once vulgar is no longer, and some of what was proper is now considered vulgar. All that remains constant is ethics.

So thank you for your opinion and your compliments and we hope you will remain an avid reader, but you are always free to change the station.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Reader Mail

Once again Mayor Tomlinson’s “Volunteer No More” Program has realized a major victory.
Lions' Park, including the skating rink and beautiful heated washrooms were built by volunteers through funding raised by volunteers. The Kearney Lions built the facility for all to enjoy, with an agreement from the Town of Kearney that a rink custodian would be provided during family skating hours.
The town has not only not kept their end of the deal (since Tomlinson and his “Cut Costs at Any Cost” sidekick Wadsworth took office) but when Tomlinson found out that the heated washrooms were open and the skate exchange program had been resurrected, he slapped a padlock on the heated washroom door and turned out the lights.
Tomlinson was seen a number of times in prior days, cruising by the rink after dark apparently waiting for the opportunity to investigate when the volunteer Dad had gone home for supper.
At Friday’s Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Wills and Councillor Sainsbury were absent so Mayor Tomlinson used the opportunity to ignore the new Procedural By-Law to run off at the mouth (the Meeting Chair is not allowed to do that) citing every possible reason why the washrooms should be off limits to the public and volunteers.
Are you surprised?
[Name withheld]

No. We're not at all surprised. The Proudfoot Bunch aren't content to just make their lives and the lives of their friends better on the backs of the people of Kearney, but they need to also grind the people of Kearney under their boot-heels. Their joy isn't sufficient without the misery of others.

Private Proudfoot Dock Gets Town Funding

Did you know that while the Proudfoot bunch are cutting jobs, draining Reserves, and taking out loans, they're not just giving themselves pay raises.

In the 2013 Draft Budget there's $3000 of taxpayer money allocated for repairing a privately owned dock in Proudfoot. One of the Proudfooters who use the dock is a friend of Louise Wadsworth and made the request to the Town. Wadsworth was more than happy to show that she can do favours for her friends just as aptly as Tomlinson, Sainsbury, and Dingwall.

Meanwhile, there are several public docks and boat ramps in Kearney that are dangerously in need of repair.

Wadsworth has been trying to tell critics that the dock in question is also a public dock because "it's on town property". Nice try, Louise, but there are scores of other private docks that have been built on a town-owned shore-road allowances. Just because a property owner builds a dock on public land doesn't make it a public dock. Or can all those other property owners now expect the same kind of funding your buddy got?

Duh... What?

Friends of the Proudfoot Four: Build a dock on town land and get town funding for your repairs.

Everyone else: Rebuild a fence that's been on town land for the last 60 years and be ordered to tear it down or pay a lease.

Are you surprised?

Breaking News: Tomlinson is a Dick

By now you all know the story of the Lions Park skating rink and how Mayor Paul Tomlinson cut funding for the part-time rink attendant. Without an attendant the clean, heated washrooms remain locked and unused, forcing the Lions Club to pay for Port-a-Potties, which are not heated or clean. And Port-a-Potties don't allow for hand-washing, diaper-changing, first-aid, or changing. Thank you, Mayor Tomlinson.

So this winter a community volunteer stepped up to act as attendant. Was it the lovable Mayor Tomlinson? The community-spirited Councillor Barry Dingwall? The fun-loving... you get the irony.

No, it was just a local father who wanted to see the local children enjoy some skating without having to pee in the bushes and wipe their hands with dead leaves. There was a roll of toilet paper kicking around at one point but then Tomlinson used it all up polishing his "Supreme Mayor In All The Cosmos Whose Accomplishments Are Too Amazing To Be Made Public" medal.

Anyway, the volunteer was given the key to the rink's facilities and the blessing of the Lions Club and there was joy in Kearney. Even Mayor Tomlinson was so happy that he had to creep past the rink FOUR times in his car while the volunteer tended to the ice and the pavilion. Tomlinson probably wanted to stop and express his appreciation but was understandably afraid that his sheer awesomeness would strike the simple townsfolk of Kearney deaf and dumb.

And so the good people of Kearney skated, while the good mayor lurked, until it was time for dinner and the volunteer locked up, promising to return after his evening meal. And return he did... To find that the washrooms had been newly bolted and padlocked.

It turns out that Tomlinson didn't like the idea that those stupid townies were going to have fun so in a total dick-move he skulked around until the volunteer left for dinner, then had the Public Works Department, at taxpayer expense, bolt and padlock the washrooms. Then he made up a bunch of stupid excuses about the volunteer not being a union member, etc. Seriously? Suddenly, nobody can volunteer to do anything in Kearney because they have to be in the union? That's the best you could come up with? And you had to slink in like a sneak-thief to do the deed without any discussion or, at the very least, a courtesy call to the volunteer?

Why are we not surprised?

Kearney Budget Woes Only Get Worse

On Monday, February 18th, the Kearney Budget Committee held a public meeting to present the Draft 2013 Budget. The first question we asked ourselves was “What are they trying to hide?” Otherwise, why else would the Wadsworth/Tomlinson/Dingwall team call a meeting on a Monday morning in the middle of February?

Not surprisingly, four members of the public showed up, and to ensure minimal scrutiny of the draft budget, copies were handed out at the last second before the meeting started. In spite of these measures to avoid openness and transparency, some pretty good questions were asked and some very disturbing non-answers were provided.

“How can you cut the Roads Department budget when the cost of gravel and the cost of fuel to haul that gravel have gone up, and the distance to haul that gravel has increased?”
Answer from the Budget Committee: Duh... What?

“There have been several articles in the media recently about Northern Ontario municipalities facing huge rollbacks on property taxes due to reduced reassessments of properties.”
Answer from the Budget Committee: Duh... What?

It was pointed out to the Budget Committee that Kearney’s property reassessments are down by an average of more than 5% which means immediate tax reductions, immediate refunds, and the greater ability to appeal previous assessments, leading to more immediate refunds. Meanwhile, increased assessments, if any, are phased-in gradually over four years. That means Wadsworth will need to raise the tax rate in 2013 just to maintain the 2012 revenue level which already did not meet the operational needs of the town. Wadsworth was asked how much she estimated the tax rate would be increased for 2013. Wadsworth checked her Etch-a-sketch…
Answer: Duh... What?
Maybe a little help… “10 to 12%?”
Duh... What?

Wadsworth and Tomlinson are frantically trying to get the 2013 Budget approved before anyone has a chance to scrutinize the details, but the financial consultant they hired suggested waiting until the 2012 audit was done in March and approve the budget in April. Of course, Tomlinson, Wadsworth, and “Nowhere to be Seen” Dingwall don’t want to wait because after the 2012 audit, they will have nobody to blame when the proverbial shit budget hits the fan.

Remember 2012? The budget was passed in December 2011 and in March 2012 the people of Kearney discovered a $600,000 deficit, and a new budget had to be issued in June. Tomlinson, who has yet to take any responsibility for anything, blamed the recently departed treasurer, a computer glitch, sunspots, and leprechauns. Now, for year-end 2012 Tomlinson and Wadsworth are forecasting a $50,000 surplus.

Wow, a minor miracle. A $600,000 deficit in March and nine months later a 25,000 Pound baby is born. We did the conversion to Pounds to support our hugely witty metaphor.

But seriously, how was this miraculous turnaround accomplished? Two ways. Cut everything to the bone, and then some, and then take the shortfall out of Reserves. So, where are the Town’s Reserves these days you may ask? These details were also only handed out just as the budget meeting began, but our preliminary assessment suggests that Kearney's Reserves are not being replenished, that they have been tapped into every year since this council took office and by next year they will be virtually depleted. Because taxes were cut by 9.5% in 2011 and another 9.5% in 2012 while more than $500,000 was taken from Reserves, the Town of Kearney has no budget room left to meet unforeseen glitches like the massive downward reassessments that Tomlinson and Wadsworth had no clue about. And let's not forget that we're already seeing increased debt because the town had to take out a $200,000 loan for bridge maintenance.

Meanwhile we continue to carry a $100,000/year Chief Building Official (CBO) who barely managed to bring in about $30,000 last year in building permits. When asked why we carry this prohibitive cost year after year while unreasonable cuts are being made to fundamental services, and a $200,000 bridge reconstruction loan was necessary, the answer Wadsworth gave was, “Well, we need a CBO and we have found other things for him to do.” Yes, right. Useless septic inspections? That was supposed to bring in $10,500 in inspection fees on the backs of our elderly and poor but due to the huge public outcry, they backed off on that one. When the issue was forced, Wadsworth desperately stepped away from the party line and said they were looking at other options to reduce the cost of the CBO. Really? How about getting rid of him and entering into a shared arrangement like every other municipality in our area? What Wadsworth couldn’t say however is that a shared CBO is likely not going to happen because Tomlinson has pissed off all the other municipal leaders and any arrangement involving Tomlinson just isn't an option.

So folks, our expectation is that the CBO surcharge over 4 years of this council will be $260,000 of your tax dollars and a complete depletion of Kearney’s Reserves. It is pretty clear that this legacy will be passed onto the next council to sort out, so our suggestion is, pay better attention who you vote for next time, because this time we have all been had.

Are you surprised?

Friday, 15 February 2013

Ottawa Valley mayors return Jubilee medals

Mayor Raye-Anne Briscoe of Admaston/Bromley and Mayor Peter Emon of Greater Madawaska Township showed real class and have returned their Diamond Jubilee medals. Both agreed that being given medals simply for being a mayor diminished the accomplishments of other winners in their communities.

The Federation of Municipalities of Canada nominated about 1500 mayors only because groups or organizations can't be nominated. Most mayors understood that the honour was intended for all of council and their communities. Sadly, we cannot say the same for Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson who chose to brag about HIS medal instead.

Were you surprised?

Read the article here.

A question to ask Mayor Paul Tomlinson

To be eligible for the Diamond Jubilee Medal, a person must:
  1. Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, but need not necessarily reside in Canada;
  2. Be alive on February 6th, 2012, the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the Throne. The medal can be awarded posthumously, as long as the recipient was alive on that date.
  3. Have made a significant contribution to a particular province, territory, region or community within Canada, or an achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada.

We can safely assume that Paul Tomlinson meets criteria 1 and 2, but what significant contribution has His Worshipfulness single-handedly made that deserves a Diamond Jubilee Medal? Unless our illustrious mayor wants to come clean and admit that he wanted to hog all the glory for himself despite the award being presented for Council's contributions, perhaps His Awesomeness can regale us with his amazing deeds of daring-do. 

Here's the question, Paul:

Just what was your medal-worthy, significant contribution to Kearney, despite being "just one voice" and all?

Got any plans for Monday, Feb. 18th?

The Town of Kearney has announced that the Draft Budget 2013 will be presented at a public meeting scheduled for Monday, February 18th at 10:30AM, to be held in the Kearney Community Centre gymnasium. 

The Draft Budget is not yet available for review and the key information that tax payers would like to see will likely not even be available when the Draft Budget is unveiled. For instance, what is the real tax increase, yes, increase, because the reserves have been depleted to an all-time low, and this council has leached the funds out of everything it can, and even tried to leach funds out of things they can't. The library has been bled dry, the Fire Department has been bled dry, Public Works is ready for embalming, jobs have been cut, and lawsuits against the town are starting to trickle in. 

There is much more we can say, but it is clear that all our fears of gross financial mismanagement, bullying and harassment, and the steady decline of Kearney are coming to a head at an alarming rate.

The Proudfoot bunch will undoubtedly try to poo-poo all this, but Kearney's situation isn't unique. Other towns, who have not maintained healthy reserves are suddenly finding themselves in trouble. Having said that, a vast majority of Ontario towns will emerge unscathed because they maintained healthy reserves. 

This is what reserves are for, Paul. In case of financial emergencies, not bailing out your budget mismanagement so there's nothing left and you have to borrow from the bank.

An article in the Espanola Around & About newspaper talks about huge property tax increases that will be needed to offset lost revenue from Espanola properties that have been reassessed downwards. Kearney doesn't have a similarly large industrial property that would be so significantly reduced in assessed value, but we do have many high-value properties enjoying reduced assessments that take effect immediately. Remember all those Proudfoot waterfront properties that were hit with massive property tax increases phased in at 9.5% each year over four years? The Proudfoot bunch cut property taxes by 9.5% each year to lighten their burden, and now they'll be entitled to refunds from the town, but the refunds are to be paid immediately. No phasing in of refunds. Do you think that Proudfoot land-barons like Pritchard, et al are going to repay Kearney's kindness and hold off on their refunds?  Yah... We also predict a killing frost in Hell.

This council has recklessly slashed taxes over the past two years, not just to break even, but creating a deficit, forcing them each year to wade into Reserves (approximately 30% each year) just to meet basic operational needs. Now we have a 2013 budget to be presented on Monday and the issue of reduced property assessments are being ignored. Just to meet the current draft budget proposal will require a 10% tax increase, which is being hidden (in other words, be prepared for more bullshit Proudfoot-speak in this budget) while Reserves are allowed to decrease again to the point of virtual oblivion. 

The impact of reduced assessments is also being ignored and the property tax apocalypse is just around the corner. So, sit back folks, ignore the warnings, and enjoy the financial ride of a lifetime. Or, take a look at the 2013 draft budget and attend Monday’s meeting, and make your voice heard. It’s probably already too late but what the hell. 

More readers from outside Kearney write in

from: Norah xxxxxxx <xxxxxxxx@muskoka.com>to: 
subject: You are doing a great job
-- We too have a problem in Muskoka Lakes. We need to get cottagers to see what is really going on. It was helpful your piece was picked up in Toronto Star. Keep up the good fight for transparency and civility in local politics
 Norah xxxxxxx 

Thanks Norah! We try our best.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson awarded for his awesomeness!

Mayor Paul "I'm-Just-One-Voice" Tomlinson loves to pass the buck and blame Council whenever things go south. Which is often. But as soon as accolades come Council's way Tomlinson doesn't hesitate to grab all the glory.

On February 1st, Tomlinson twittered:
"Unexpected honour to have Queen Diamond Jubilee Medal bestowed upon me today. Overwhelmed and humbled."
Then later in the day:
"Seeing is believing! I am still pinching myself,"

Well Paul, bad news. We know you think you're awesome, but the medal was not intended for you personally. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities nominated the councils of all Canadian municipalities who were in good standing with the Federation, and this honour is to address the many contributions municipal councils have made over the past 5 years. The medal was only sent to you because Kearney has the unfortunate luck of having you as its mayor at the moment.

And more bad news Paul. You not only need to bring the medal back so it can be presented to the entire Council of Kearney, but because it covers a 5 year period, the presentation must also include the previous Council of Kearney. So, it looks like you will have to share the mayoral podium with your old and dear friend Jeff Johnston.

Once the medal is awarded protocol dictates that it be displayed in the Community Centre display cabinet.

How’s that for overwhelming and humbling, Paul?

Friday, 8 February 2013

No Crystal Ball Required

After repeatedly demonstrating that he has little or no interest in the people of Kearney, while making it painfully clear that his main motive for getting on council was to vote in favours for his buddies, Councillor Barry Dingwall has seen the writing on the wall. Rather than suffer a humiliating defeat in the next election, Dingwall has instead decided to slink off quietly and announced that he will not seek re-election in 2014.

Sorry we wrecked your plans, Barry.

Monday, 4 February 2013

More reader mail

Dear Concerned Citizens Blog,

I am one of those dreaded "outsiders" a person who has purchased a nice bit of property to use for recreational purposes for now, and possible develop to retire to at a later date. When I bought the property, I had in mind five, ten and fifteen year plans as I believe that is one is supposed to do when one spends money on a capital asset... Because I view this piece of property as an asset, I spend some time each week keeping up to date with the local doings and goings on as best I can from a distance. Actions of the Kearney Council trouble me in some regards, as I do not believe they have appropriate long term goals, and I do not think the have a broad enough view of how to best benefit all of the residents and property owners they are supposed to represent. 

I currently dwell in an amalgamated community with just over 11,000 residents. Amalgamation was unfortunate here, as it was in many places, because it resulted in an entity that is both rural and urban, and balancing the requirements of both sets of residents is difficult. It covers a large geographic area, with lots of roads which are costly to maintain, and has two decent sized towns within its boundaries with wells, water treatment and sewage plants and recreational infrastructure to maintain. There are also a few much smaller communities with their own meeting halls, ball diamonds, parks and such-like, whose residents wish equal treatment. Basically serving on council is a thankless task which few are willing to undertake. Despite all this, we have councillors and a Mayor and perhaps because of it, we still use the Ward system. Our previous Mayor was all about making himself out to be a hero, and a whole lot of a bully to boot, so some of what you are facing is familiar to me. Workplace harassment is not funny, and when the Mayor bullies township employees it creates an extremely toxic environment that benefits no one. The biggest problem with working and living in a small town is there are extremely limited opportunities for alternate employment, it is not like one can just tell the offender where to shove their job and walk away. 

One of the things that does interest me as a potential to improve the financial situation is a reduction in the number of serving councillors. With a return to wards at the same time, as I do not like to think anyone should feel they are not represented at council. Frankly, amalgamation sucked in this area, but over time we are finding ways to deal with it and make the best of the situation. We have four councillors and the Mayor, and the cost of that council can be found published in a local paper;


Jeff Johnston mentions the size of Kearney, but with respect to Mr. Johnston, I would like to point out that Wellington North is just over 526 square kilometres.

I work for the Recreation department, and although I do not like the reduced budgets we have faced the past couple of years, I do understand the something must be done to rectify the mess left by the previous council. The biggest challenge is not to cut things to the point that people no longer wish to be a part of the community because when property values fall.... Recreation is seen as revenue negative, but it is what makes a place desirable to live or visit. In turn, that keeps property values up, and obviously as a result, tax revenues healthy. Kearney is blessed with the most astounding natural beauty, in MHO. Its geography is its biggest asset, people WANT to be in such an environment. Killing the regatta is a dumb idea! Enacting by-laws that are only friendly to seasonal residents with piles of money to burn does not serve the community. For a community to be vibrant, it has to also be inclusive. I did not chose to buy property in Kearney because I wanted to be part of a "gated community north" as it were. Surely one can protect the natural heritage without killing any chance of economic activity within the town limits? (Except of course if those economic activities benefit friends of councillors, *rolls eyes* Then the rules don't quite apply do they? Much sarcasm intended.) 

I wish I had the resources to build and move north now, without needing an additional income to pay my bills. I would volunteer to maintain your ice rink and pavilion, just because I think these things are important. As are trails, public access docks, and a whole host of related things that people can enjoy in their spare time. We live in such a beautiful and rich part of the world it is a sin not to take advantage of it! It also behooves us to look after it properly so our children and grand children can also benefit from it. Sadly, I do not think the current council sees the big picture, or the potential for the future of the community of Kearney, so my personal long term plan may have to be revised when I get to the five year mark.  

It is with some regret that I ask you to withhold my name, however past experience with vindictive idiots in the council chambers tempers my desire to be publicly identified. Obviously if one looked at the mailing addresses in the tax rolls, one could figure it out, but make 'em work for it, *LOL* 

Thank you,

[Name Withheld]

Sunday, 3 February 2013

More Reader Mail

Dear Concerned Citizens of Kearney:

This is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the Hamilton Spectator several weeks ago entitled “Ford’s judgment awaits at the ballot box”.

This article was written by Howard Elliott.  Of particular interest were the opening comments: “Rob Ford has not been a good mayor in Toronto.  He divides rather than unites. He is disrespectful of council’s will, and for that matter of his own office. He hasn't delivered on most of his ideological commitments – for the most part because they’re unrealistic.”

I ask you does this sound familiar? Same game, just change the name!

We no longer want to live under a “Reign of Terror” or be subjected to “Political Tirades” from certain members of Kearney Council.   We want a return to the Peaceful – "Biggest Little Town" Kearney, the Kearney that we once knew and loved before the political Henchmen Tomlinson took over!

People start shouting from the rooftops your displeasure. Go out to Council meetings and take a Political stance against the atrocity’s that have taken hold of our Beloved Town!  Do it for the future of this town, and your kids.  Let’s restore dignity to Kearney.

I wish to remain anonymous.  Thank you.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Another Reader Writes In

Up until now, I have refrained from writing to the Blog because I feel the Blog has done a very good job on its own, reporting the concerns of citizens, and increasing the public’s awareness. However, the tone of the Blog is sometimes a bit outrageous and not focused on trying to find solutions or common understanding. However, the recent debates and polls on “Reducing the Size of Council from 7 to 5” and “Reinstating the Wards System”, that we are now witnessing, seem quite constructive and positive. So, in the spirit of open and objective debate, I am offering some additional factors for the public’s consideration: 
• The Town of Kearney is huge geographically (529 sq. kilometres), one of the largest towns in Ontario, with one of the lowest population densities of 1.5 people/sq. kilometre. Source – 2006 Census. 
• Kearney is larger than North Bay (315 sq. kms.) and almost twice the size of Mississauga (288 sq. kms.). Kearney is larger than 17 countries of the world including Antiqua, Barbuda, Barbados, and Monaco. 
• Kearney comprises 4 Townships or partial townships – Butt, McCraney, Bethune, and Proudfoot, plus Kearney Townsite (the village). Township sizes in our area of the Province are generally 1000 acres in size. 
• Although Proudfoot has the largest voter population, Bethune has the most households (includes residences and cottages) 
• Based on the 2006 Census, almost 1/3 of the full time residences are single occupant, mostly seniors and the elderly. Most of these are concentrated in the village part of Kearney. 
• Kearney comprises a very diverse population; full time residents with approximately 30% seniors and the elderly living alone; young families; small business owners; part time residents mostly cottagers; hunt camp owners; non-resident property owners. All these individuals are eligible to vote in Kearney’s municipal election. 
• Most significant accomplishments in Kearney over the past 2 decades have been accomplished through our volunteers and funding grants; eg Lions Park; our Trails; Roads Needs Study and the reconstruction of Main Street (G8 Legacy Funding) and Highway 518/Chetwynd Road BCF Funding (2009-2015); the Kearney Community Centre; renovation of the 2 kitchens in the Community Centre; the expanded/update Kearney Library; new Community Centre washrooms; part of the town Dock; Kearney Regattas; Dog Sled Races, and many other community events. The key here is volunteers, and to encourage and support volunteers, you require a council of sufficient size and involvement to support volunteer endeavours. 
• Given the size and diversity of Kearney, how can fewer councillors, all from one area of the Town, and who do not live in Kearney, adequately provide the support of our volunteers and to understand the needs and opportunities of the Town. In my view, they can’t. 
• The argument that fewer councillors will save money doesn't seem to compute. During this term of council we have experienced fewer councillors who are involved and our volunteers are very uninvolved. This has placed an increased demand upon staff to do the research, fact gathering, or initiatives development, and staff costs money, volunteers don’t. 
• Councillor-led Volunteer Committees of Council with active involvement from the community and other groups have managed to accomplish extraordinary things at little or no cost to the taxpayers. In 2010, Rain Lake Road was reconstructed ($3,000,000 value) through a partnership arrangement with MNR, Westwind, Ontario Parks, and Algonquin Forestry Agency. The Town provided Public Works staff and equipment that would have otherwise had to be used on Road Maintenance. It is amazing what can be done when everyone is pitching in and there is an active involvement from council. The current trend is in the opposite direction and a reduced council will only exacerbate the situation. The preceding is some points for consideration when debating the reduction of councillors or reinstating the Wards System. We have had 2 years with a council that was elected at large (no Wards System), comprising a number of non-resident councillors (3 of 6), primarily representing one area of the Town. We have virtually no volunteer involvement with the current council and initiatives towards the betterment of the Town have dried up. 
The Blog has stirred up a lot of controversy but it seems the general public appreciates being kept informed, especially when the criticisms seem well founded. Can you imagine where the Town of Kearney would be if the Blog hadn’t shone the spot light on the antics we have unfortunately had to witness over the past two years. The needs of our seniors, the elderly, the struggling families and small businesses are being ignored and we see Lions Park facilities locked up and the Library’s operating surplus being taken to balance the Town’s 2013 operating budget. What happens next year when the Library can’t cough up? All of this because this council cannot set an adequate tax rate to meet fundamental needs, nor take advantage of the many capable and experienced volunteers in our Town. I’ll leave it at that. 
Jeff Johnston (Sr.)
Town of Kearney

Thanks, Jeff! Your point on councillor participation is well taken. Councillor Barry Dingwall has stated publicly that he doesn't want to do much more than attend meetings, and doesn't spend much time preparing even for those. We've shamed him and others into volunteering, but it's still only been a minimal effort. Mayor Tomlinson usually doesn't hang around after the photo-op or free meal.