Tuesday, 24 July 2012

And Another Poll

Still giddy from the democratic rush of the last poll, we've decided to add another one.

Tim Brown (aka Ethical Wealth Corporation) keeps popping up at council meetings looking for fee waivers, rezoning waivers, variance waivers, environmental impact waivers, and so on. Here are some quick facts:

  1. Tim Brown is a member of the Grass and Loon Lakes Residents Group.
  2. Barry Dingwall, Steve Sainsbury, and Paul Tomlinson have all served on the GLLRG's board of directors.
  3. Tim Brown was Dingwall and Sainsbury's campaign manager and fundraiser during the last election (its on their campaign brochures).
  4. Tim Brown is a personal friend of Paul Tomlinson.

The question has already been raised to council but got a big shrug from the Proudfoot Four, so let's let the good citizens of Kearney speak.

"Should Tomlinson, Dingwall, & Sainsbury each declare a Conflict of Interest whenever Tim Brown (Ethical Wealth Corp) comes to Council for favours?"

Take our poll (on the right) and see what the good citizens of Kearney think. Not that the Proudfoot Four give a damn what their constituents think.

A New Poll

We asked the very strongly worded question, "Has Mayor Paul Tomlinson worn out his welcome in Kearney?" and 93% of the 280+ voters (so far) have said Yes. 280 voters doesn't seem like a lot, but it does represent more than 10% of Kearney's peak seasonal population. Gallup Polls go on much lower samplings.

We've added a new poll. In 2009, during the last council's term, Steve Sainsbury and Barry Dingwall petitioned the Ontario Municipal Board to have the ward system abolished in Kearney. The ward system was set up in Kearney to allow citizens living in different sections of Kearney to elect a councillor that represented their interests. Only the residents (or property owners) of that ward could vote for that councillor. The previous council argued that removing the ward system would allow certain influential groups to load council with their own councillors and effectively take control of the town. Dingwall and Sainsbury poo-pooed this notion saying that the ward system prevented true democracy in Kearney. The OMB was convinced and here we are.

So our new poll asks, "Do you feel that EVERYONE in Kearney is being served BETTER since the removal of the ward system?" Bearing in mind that without the ward system the Grass and Loon Lake Residents Group was able to fill 4 out of the 7 seats at council, effectively controlling the town.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Lions Park - The Tomlinson Era

 This is how Kearney's Lions Park should look. Attractive. Picturesque. 

This is how Kearney's Lions Park really looks in the Paul H. Tomlinson era. 

 Pretty isn't it?

Wasn't enough to close the washrooms?
Had to put the outhouses right out front, Paul?

Paul H. Tomlinson.
Kearney's King Midas.
Only, everything he touches turns to shit.

Are you surprised?

Petition to Mayor Paul Tomlinson

Unfortunately, because of limitations with Blogger.com, we aren't able to provide a clear copy of the petition that would be suitable for printing. If you'd like a copy of the petition we are more than happy to email it to you in PDF format. Just email us at:


Printed copies are also available at:

The Candy Store (3 Billy Goats Gruff)
60 Main Street
Nostalgia Antique
14 Rain Lake Road (at the King William Street)
Trailside Adventures
80 Main Street

Friday, 13 July 2012

Concerned Citizens Are Fighting Back

Here's just one recent complaint the Town of Kearney (with a copy to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing) has received:

Click on image for full-size version

Monday, 9 July 2012

They Don't Even Try To Hide It

Timothy A. Brown
At the council meeting on June 15th, 2012, two things happened:

First, Tim Brown came to council (Sort of. It was Brown's lackey Scott Richards, again) asking for a variance on a piece of property Brown owns at 4290 Chetwynd Road. Despite the clear conflict of interest, the Proudfoot Four were about to grant their buddy the variance when someone in the public gallery asked about the environmental impact. Oops. Issue deferred.

Then, in the same meeting, Deputy Mayor Lousie Wadsworth and her three cohorts voted her hubby Cam Wadsworth onto the Environmental and By-law Advisory Committee. What's another breach of ethics and the Municipal Act when you've committed so many, eh?

After watching all this blatantly unfold, we predicted:

"... don't be surprised if Tim Brown's environmental concerns suddenly go away."

And guess what happened at the council meeting on July 5th...

Tim Brown's environmental concerns went away! No impact study required, old buddy!