Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tell Them How They Are Doing

Love 'em? Hate 'em? Let them know...

Councillor Yvonne
Deputy Mayor Art
Councillor Louise
Councillor Steve
Councillor Barry
Councillor Ken Ball:
Mayor Paul or or

(Listed by voter popularity)

Barry Dingwall: Doesn't Live Here, Doesn't Want to Know You

Recently in the Almaguin News, when asked why he never attends Kearney social events, Councillor Barry Dingwall said:

"I ran for the job to be a councillor, not to be a social butterfly. There is no secret to the fact that I don’t live in Kearney all year round and can’t always be at these functions."

Don't live here. Don't want to know you. But, I'm more than happy to make uninformed decisions that will affect the lives of the people who actually live in Kearney. And why should I care if I screw up? I live in Mississauga.

That's what we're hearing.

Which begs the question: 

Why did you get on the town council, Barry?

Pauldo Responds

Mayor Paul Tomlinson, an avid reader of our blog, had this response to our criticizing him for not showing up to the Heritage Day Dinner:

“I noticed that I was criticized for not being at the heritage dinner but unknown to the staff I was in Toronto at a head of council training meeting, I was meeting our lawyer, and it was impossible for me to make that dinner.”
"I'm a big boy!"

Training meeting or meeting the lawyer... Either would have been fine, no need to dogpile, Paul.

But, we would be a lot more forgiving of your absence if you otherwise regularly attended town events. Unfortunately, that's not the case and this is just another half-ass, mumbled excuse for not having to rub elbows with They-Who-Are-Not-From-Proudfoot.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

This Just In...

Just when we thought we really might just be a "small number of smaller people, mentally speaking*", the editors of the Almaguin News wrote this.

Are You Surprised?

*Barry Dingwall, Kearney councillor and faithful Blog reader, in an interview with the Almaguin News.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

You CAN Fight City Hall!

We don't know if it's our blog or the petition being circulated for Mayor Paul Tomlinson's resignation, but the Proudfoot Four (and their sycophant Art Murdy) were playing a very different tune at the Council meeting on Friday, March 11th.

As you might recall, Council (i.e. the weak-end members) had voted against this years' Regatta, ending a 60-plus year tradition. Instead, Kearney residents would have had to come to the Sand Lake (Proudfoot) Regatta in the hopes that the people of Proudfoot would let the Townies join in their reindeer games.

But, following a groundswell from the real citizens of Kearney, who have had just about enough of Tomlinson, Council voted unanimously on Friday for the Kearney Regatta to go ahead, including the street dance and beer garden.

Of course, Barrie resident, Councillor Barry Dingwall had to remind everyone of the Proudfoot Four's real feelings about Townie events when he tabled the motion to have councillors assigned to attend events. Dingwall assumed that the other councillors felt as he does and would have to be ordered to attend a minimum number of events. Councillor Yvonne Wills raised the point that councillors, as representatives of the citizens of Kearney, should make every effort to at least attend every town event, if not pitch in and help out. Councillors shouldn't just have to meet a minimum quota. As the people of Kearney (or at least the ones that actually live in Kearney) know, Councillor Wills has attended virtually every event, even prior to entering town politics. Can Mayor Paul Tomlinson or his bootlick, Deputy Mayor Art Murdy claim the same?

Council's reversal on the Regatta surprised us, but on the rest of it...

Are You Surprised?

Friday, 11 March 2011

Peeping Tomlinson

Tee Hee!
We've been thinking about it, and does anyone else find it creepy that Mayor Paul Tomlinson likes to secretly photograph people?


Are You Surprised?

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Tomlinson Closes In

It's been a lot of fun watching Mayor Paul Tomlinson play Inspector Clouseau as he tries to guess who the Concerned Citizens of Kearney are. He's threatened us with the OPP, RCMP, his legal counsel, and a rampaging mob of Proudfooters carrying torches and pitchforks.

His latest bit of sleuthing follows hot on the heels of our last article with an email to Concerned Citizens.

Here's what he wrote:

Dear Usual Suspect: you finally have bitten off more than you can chew. Tonight’s blog  has come to my attention.

I am attaching a copy of two photos taken of you [by Tomlinson himself, no less] video taping the All Candidates meeting and therefore my address to you this evening of [Usual Suspect]. You were in fact the ONLY person video taping the All Candidates meeting. In addition to sitting on the front row you moved along the side wall later in the proceeding as you were in need of a power source.

I am also sending along a copy from the January 14, 2011  Council minutes as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kearney has prepared the following direction for the 2011 budget:

1.  That presentation of the 2009 Audit to Council occur as soon as possible;

2.  That a Municipal Finance Information session for Council be arranged as soon as possible, including the role of the budgetary control document, as well as debt and reserves statement, capital plan of 2010, Roads needs study, 518 project outline, and bridge report;

3.  That a draft budget be prepared with operating costs to be reduced by 5% from 2010 budget numbers in the following departments: Council, General Administration, Administration Office operations, Fire Department, First Response, Community Centre and Public Works. NOTE: Capital expenditures and transfers to reserves are not included in this target number;

4.  That each department will detail the changes proposed to manage this change to the Budget Ad Hoc Committee;

5.  That the draft budget be prepared and provided to the Budget Ad Hoc Committee by February 23, 2011.



I am expecting an IMMEDIATE apology and retraction.

Further, you should be aware that I have copies of your blog since inception and unless this blog is taken down within the the next 24hrs its contents will be referred to my legal councel[sic] .


Paul H. Tomlinson
Corporation of The Town of Kearney
8 Main Street
Kearney , ON P0A 1M0

705 636-1608

By God, Holmes! You've done it again!

But 'allo, whot's all this then...? We see the guys in the front row with the video camera, but what do you suppose those other good citizens are up to, Sherlock?

Dash it all! Foiled again, Watson!

But all kidding aside, Paul old boy; Are we supposed to interpret the resolution you included as your "direction  to our staff for the 2011 budget"?

"Hey, you staff, go make a... a... budget! Yah, that's it, a budget! And um... uh... cut 5% somehow so people will think I'm great! Chop, chop!"

Wow! None of us dumb Townies could have come up with that in 60 days! We totally apologize, Paul!

That's your idea of going "one further"? We could have gone you "one further" and come up with that while you were still cramming your face full of inauguration cake.


But on a more positive note: We'd like to give a shout out to all the concerned citizens (nudge, nudge) who have been sending us their pictures, videos, and insider info. We couldn't do it without you! Especially those guys in the front row! Or was it the guy in the back? No, wait...


And a special thanks to Mayor Paul Tomlinson, who apparently has been a faithful follower and blog scrap-booker: Thanks for making this all too easy, Paul!

Anyway, gotta run! INTERPOL and a bunch of Mexican Federales just kicked our door in.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

More Broken Campaign Promises

During the All Candidates meeting last Fall, the mayoral candidates were asked what the people of Kearney could hold them accountable for having completed within their first 90 days in office. Candidate Frank Herron offered his commitments and stated he would resign if he could not meet those commitments within the 90 days.

Candidate Paul Tomlinson, now our illustrious mayor, took his turn and, not to be upstaged, pledged:

"I'll go you one further. I'll tell you, in 60 days this is what I will do: I will give direction to our staff for the 2011 budget."

You can watch the clip on YouTube.

So, Mayor Paul Tomlinson was sworn into office on December 4, 2010. 

60 days later: No direction to staff for the 2011 budget.

90 days later: No direction to staff for the 2011 budget.

You lied, Paul. In your arrogance, you bragged that you would get the job done in 60 days instead 90. But 60 days, and 90 days, have come and gone. Will you do the honourable thing and resign as promised? Or were your campaign promises just more bullshit?

We're banking on more bullshit.

Are you surprised?

Friday, 4 March 2011

Tomlinson Boycotts Heritage Day Dinner

We'd like to thank Mayor Paul Tomlinson for making the Heritage Day Dinner at the Kearney Community Centre a fabulous success by failing to show up.

Once again, it's "Where's Pauldo" as Tomlinson snubs the townspeople of Kearney. Rumour has it he was too busy goose-stepping around his living-room with his Chain of Office to take the time to rub elbows with those icky Townies.

Councillor Barry Dingwall almost wrecked the evening by showing up, but fortunately he high-tailed it back to Proudfoot as soon as he realized he wasn't going to get a free meal without having to roll up sleeves and help out.

On a more positive note: The rest of the councillors really pitched in and the evening was a great success! Councillor Steve Sainsbury deserves a special mention for his ever-increasing community spirit. He's been pleasantly surprising us since the election and he really seems to be making an effort to show that he has ALL of Kearney's interests at heart. But we're still a bit gun-shy about the company he keeps. 

Keep proving us wrong, Steve!

As for Tomlinson's no-show...

Are you surprised?